This is southbound I-15. The route that takes us from here to California. The route we were going to take to drive down to Lizzy's baptism last week. When I listened to the radio last Tuesday morning, I discovered I-15 had been damaged and was closed. We were supposed to leave the next morning. I texted Megan and told her the situation. She put the responsibility of telling Lizzy on me. Aren't children wonderful?? The only alternate route was to take I-80 across to Reno and then come down to Stevenson Ranch. It would have added hours onto the drive in both directions. I got online and looked at flights. We caught a flight to LA Tuesday night and pulled up to Megan's door about 9:00. It was a moment we will never forget!

To say that we surprised them might be an understatement. Shock, maybe? Megan's reaction was, "you FLEW??" Yes, we flew. It was easier to get on a plane than to have to tell Lizzy we wouldn't be at her baptism. I had been with Megan and Lizzy in May when she tried on her dress and picked this one out. She looked beautiful and we were so glad that we were able to be a part of it. Because Megan was coaching Ross' soccer game, I was given the responsibility to help Lizzy at the church with her baptismal clothing. It took me back a few years to when Megan was baptized!
Due to a knee injury, Michael was on crutches. He and Lizzy had practiced at home and he was able to do the baptism balanced on his good leg. He did a great job and we knew prayers had been answered. Megan gave a terrific talk, Ross bore his testimony and their family sang a song.
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