I love fall - the changing trees, planting pansies for the spring, putting the garden to rest, gathering nuts. And SOUP! My methods of planning meals have changed with the use of technology. Type in key ingredients, Google and voila! This was Sunday dinner, and Tuesday dinner, and some other dinner later this week. It makes a huge recipe and when I do it next time I will make a half batch. Thank you Martha!
My alterations included: Instead of using the canned chicken broth, I made my own with the remainder of a Costco chicken. I had just the right amount of broth after pulling that bird out. Pretty lucky. Kevin asked if he could help so I let him do my least favorite task - deboning the chicken. I used the meat in the soup. I had a zucchini from the garden and used that as part of my 8 cups of veggies and cooked them all for 20 minutes as she instructed. Next time I will add them after the rest have cooked for 10 minutes. Some of them were a little too mushy for my tastes.