Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Zucchini Madness

I have two zucchini plants in my garden.  They are quite large - measuring about six feet in diameter.  One produces yellow and the other green.  Each day I go down to see what surprises I will find.  I have found five or six at a time and then that many more the next day!  If I miss a day, I may find a  one that resembles a baseball bat lurking under the leaves.  Thanks to family and friends who enjoy having the fresh produce.  I do love having the garden and have found new ways to use this vegetable.  We like some better than others.  Last night was a keeper.  Mini pizzas. 

I used Mission multigrained tortillas.  Brush or mist both sides with olive oil.  Place on parchment paper on a cookie sheet or jelly roll pan.  I spooned on a little pizza sauce or you could use pesto sauce.  Add toppings.  Bake at 400 degrees for 9-11 minutes or until edges of tortilla are brown.  Last night I used:

Ground chicken browned with Herbs de Provence
Small yellow zucchini - about 1 inch in diameter - thinly sliced
Baby tomatoes from the garden thinly sliced
Fresh basil from the garden coarsely chopped
Mozzarella cheese

So simple, so quick, so good.

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